1. Pabau Knowledge Base
  2. Migrating Your Data to Pabau

Post-Import Checklist

In this article, we'll go over a checklist to help you smoothly transition after importing data into Pabau.

Congratulations on successfully migrating to Pabau! To ensure a smooth transition, we've prepared a comprehensive post-import checklist. Let's review it together to ensure everything is as expected.

Based on the report received from the onboarding team, review the following data:

Step 1: Check Staff

Verify that all staff members have been successfully imported into "Team," ensuring that their contact information, staff title, profile picture, and any supplementary details are included.

NOTE: To learn more about the Team feature, we suggest reading this Knowledge Base article and watching this Pabau Academy course

Step 2: Check Client Details 

Check if all your client records have been imported accurately, including their contact information, personal details, and any additional fields specific to your practice. 

NOTE: To learn more about the Clients feature, we suggest reading this Knowledge Base article and watching this Pabau Academy course.

Step 3: Check Attachments

To review attachments, check each client card to ensure that all files are uploaded. 

Step 4: Check Medical History

To verify if the medical history is included for each client, you will need to check each client card individually.

Step 5: Check Appointments

Review your appointment records in the "Calendar" to ensure that client appointments have been imported accurately. Look for any discrepancies or missing appointments.

Step 6: Check Services 

Verify that all your services, including service names, descriptions, durations, and prices, have been accurately imported into the "Services" feature.

NOTE: To learn more about the Services feature, we suggest reading this Knowledge Base article and watching this Pabau Academy course

Step 7: Check Products

Check the imported product inventory in "Products" to make sure all products and their details, like names, descriptions, and prices, are correct. Confirm any specific requirements for product tracking or stock management.

NOTE: To learn more about the Products, we suggest reading this Knowledge Base article.

Step 8: Check Packages

Verify that your packages and courses have been imported correctly. On the Setup page under "Packages", check the correct number of session counts is included, and that the package prices are accurate. 

NOTE: To learn more about packages/courses, we suggest reading this Knowledge Base article or watching this Pabau Academy lesson.

Step 9: Check Medical Forms

Navigate to the Setup page and "Medical Form Templates"  to ensure everything is in order with your imported forms.

Step 10: Check Financial Records

Review any imported financial data to ensure its accuracy by navigating to the "Invoices" page. Cross-reference with your previous records for verification.

NOTE: If you notice any discrepancies or missing data, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you for choosing Pabau. We trust this checklist will help in navigating the post-import process effectively.

We value your patience during the migration process, and we are dedicated to ensuring the accuracy and security of your data.

For more guides, refer to related articles below, select additional guides, or use the search bar at the top of the page. These guides will help you get the most out of your Pabau account.

Additionally, to help you fully utilize and understand your Pabau account, we recommend exploring additional guides and resources offered at the Pabau Academy. It offers in-depth video tutorials and lessons, offering a holistic learning experience that can equip you with the essential skills for achieving success with Pabau.