How to Assign a Role

In this article, we'll demonstrate the process of assigning roles in Pabau. Learn how to grant specific permissions to your team members, ensuring each one has the right access for their responsibilities.

Step 1: Navigate to the Team feature

Log in to your Pabau account, and in the left sidebar menu, go to Team, then click on the "Team" button. 

Step 2: Select the Staff Member

Click on the staff member you want to assign a role to, then navigate to the "Permissions" tab on the left.

Step 3: Assign the Role

On the right side of the screen, below the "Save Changes" button, click on the "Role" dropdown menu. Select the desired role from the dropdown options and click on "Save Changes" to apply the change. 

From that moment on, the team member will have the permissions corresponding to the assigned role, streamlining access and responsibilities within your team.

NOTE: You can also learn about this topic by watching a lesson on Pabau Academy.

In addition, we suggest reading our Roles article for a more in-depth exploration of this topic.

For more guides, refer to related articles below, select additional guides, or use the search bar at the top of the page. These guides will help you get the most out of your Pabau account.

Additionally, to help you fully utilize and understand your Pabau account, we recommend exploring additional guides and resources offered at the Pabau Academy. It offers in-depth video tutorials and lessons, offering a holistic learning experience that can equip you with the essential skills for achieving success with Pabau.