Customize email signature

An email signature is text, like your contact information and business logo or profile photo, that’s automatically added at the end of email messages as a footer. You can customize the email signature for your business and apply it to all support emails written by your team, including replies.

Get started

Go to Setup > Channels > Email > Customization


Add a logo

Start by adding a JPEG, PNG or GIF for your logo (maximum file size is 1MB). This can be positioned above, below, left, and right of the signature text body, or resized using the options below.

Add the text body

Now use the text editor to add sender attributes, and other info such as your team name, company website, links, etc.

Choose from the following attributes when you click on the {..} symbol:

  • Author name

  • Author full name

  • Author job title

  • Author phone number

  • Author department
    Author email

  • App name