Turn OFF SMS Auto Topup

When you first purchase SMS credits, the system turns ON the SMS Auto Topup.
This will automatically add another batch of SMS credits when you reach the "Low Level", (The Low Level usually is 100 SMS Credits), and ensure your SMS confirmations, reminders, etc. are being sent as scheduled.

If you would like to Turn Auto Topup OFF, please follow these steps:

How To Turn OFF SMS Auto Topup

  1. Log into your Pabau account and click on the number of SMS Credits that you see in the top-right corner of the Home Page, right next to your name:

  • If you are using GoCardless as your Direct Debit provider, please click on "Configure Auto Topup" on the next screen.

  • If you are using Stripe as your Direct Debit provider, please click on "Configure Auto Topup" button, as per the photo below: 

    2. On the next screen, please toggle the "Enable SMS Messaging" button OFF, choose "Do Nothing" in the "When Running Low" field and hit "Save."

This will disable the Auto Topup and you will need to manually purchase SMS bundles whenever you need additional SMS credits. You can find our guide on SMS Bundles here.

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