Medical Forms

In this article, we'll cover key functionalities such as creating, editing, and sharing medical form templates in Pabau.

How to Create a Medical Form

Handling your medical forms through Pabau has many benefits. For starters, no more clutter from all those paper forms, and you even get to save some money while doing it. Additionally, all of your client forms will be available to you from anywhere, at any time.

Follow these instructions to create a medical form in your Pabau account:

Step 1: Accessing Medical Form Templates

Log into your Pabau account and navigate to Setup, then click on "Medical Form Templates" under Clinical.

Step 2: Creating a Blank Template

Click on "Create Form" in the top right corner and select "Blank Template."

NOTE: You can also use Pabau's pre-built forms. For more information, refer to our "How to Use a Medical Form Template" article.

Step 3: General Form Details

In the "General" section at the top right corner, provide essential details for your medical form:

Form Name: Input a descriptive name for your form.

Associated Services: Specify which services are linked to this form. This connection is crucial for automation and ensures that the form is preloaded on the patient journey in the Pabau app.

Form Type: Choose the appropriate form type from the following options:

  1. Medical History: This form provides a general overview of the patient's background. It is not required for every appointment but serves to gather comprehensive information.
  2. Consent: The consent form informs the patient about the treatment they are receiving, including potential risks. It is highly recommended to have patients sign a consent form before each treatment.
  3. Treatment Form: This form is intended to be completed by the practitioner and serves as a summary of the appointment. It may include information such as batch numbers and dosage, particularly for appointments involving injectables.
  4. Prescription: This form is utilized by prescribers to authorize patients for drug issuance.
  5. Lab Form: This form is designed for any type of blood test.
Ensure to choose the most appropriate form type based on the purpose of your medical form.

Once you've provided these details, you are ready to proceed with building the components of your medical form in the next steps.

Step 4: Adding Components to the Form

The "Components" section will become accessible after selecting a form type in the "General" section.

In this section, you will find various building blocks or components that form the structure of your medical form. Drag the desired element from the list onto the center of the screen to add it to your form.

The available components will vary based on the form type you selected. Each component comes with a brief description indicating its intended use.

Click on the added component in the center of the screen to edit it. This action will open a menu on the right side of your screen where you can modify the component, mark it as required, and delete it if necessary.

NOTE: By selecting "Show advanced settings" in the Component settings section, you have the option to establish a linked field, wherein the client's response to a question will be mirrored in the field specified under Linked field.

Additionally, setting a "Default value" means that the answer to the question will be prepopulated based on the merge tag used in the Default value field. 

For instance, incorporating the "Client Full Name" merge tag as a default value for the Short answer component will automatically populate that field with the client's name.

When editing is complete, click on "Save component" to confirm your changes.

Step 5: Finalizing the Form

Repeat these steps as needed until you have added all the necessary questions and information to your medical form.

Use the preview button located at the top of the screen to ensure you are satisfied with the form's layout and content.

Once you've finished building your medical form, proceed to the next step to finalize it by clicking on "Create Form" in the top right corner.

The medical form has now been successfully created.

If you want to create a form that is similar to another one already in your system, you can clone that form instead of creating the second one from scratch. 

NOTE: You can also learn about this topic by watching a lesson on Pabau Academy.

How to Edit a Medical Form

This article guides you through the process of editing medical forms in Pabau.

Step 1: Navigate to Medical Form Templates

Log into your Pabau account and navigate to Setup, then click on "Medical Form Templates" under Clinical.

Step 2: Access the Editing Options

Hover over the medical form you wish to edit. This action will reveal a three-dot button located on the far right side of the form.

Click on the three-dot button to open a menu, then select "Edit".

Alternatively, you can directly click on the name of the form to initiate the editing process.

Step 3: Make Changes and Save

Once you are in the editing mode, make the desired changes to the medical form. The editing process mirrors the steps involved in creating a new form.

After implementing the necessary changes, click on Save Form located in the top right corner to confirm your edits.

By following these steps, you can efficiently edit medical forms in Pabau according to your evolving requirements.

How to Delete a Medical Form

This article provides instructions on deleting medical forms in Pabau.

Step 1: Navigate to Medical Form Templates

Log into your Pabau account and navigate to Setup, then click on "Medical Form Templates" under Clinical.

Step 2: Access the Deletion Options

Hover over the medical form that you intend to delete. This action will reveal a three-dot button located on the far right side of the form.

Click on the three-dot icon to open the menu, then select "Delete".

Step 3: Confirm Deletion

A prompt will appear asking if you want to delete the form. To confirm the deletion, click on "Yes, Delete Form".

By following these steps, you successfully delete medical forms in Pabau. Please exercise caution while performing this action, as it permanently removes the selected form from your system.

How to Use a Medical Form Template

This article guides you through the process of cloning Pabau's pre-built medical form templates into your account. If you don't have your own forms ready, Pabau provides a diverse selection of templates across various industries.

Step 1: Navigate to Medical Form Templates

Log into your Pabau account and navigate to Setup, then click on "Medical Form Templates" under Clinical.

Step 2: Create a New Form from Templates

Click on "Create Form" in the top right corner, then select "Browse Templates".

Step 3: Clone the Desired Template

Hover over the template you wish to clone. This will reveal the "Use" button. Click on "Use" to clone the selected form into your account.

Additional Tips:

  • While browsing templates, utilize the filters on the left side for easy navigation.

  • Use the search bar on the upper right side to quickly find specific templates.

  • To preview a form before cloning, hover over the form, revealing a "Preview" button in the upper left corner. Click on it to preview the form.

This way, you can clone pre-built templates into your account, saving you time and ensuring a seamless integration. 

How to Clone a Medical Form

Sometimes, you may need to create a form that closely resembles an existing one. Rather than starting from scratch, it's more convenient to clone the existing form and then make necessary edits. Here's a guide on how to clone a medical form in Pabau:

Step 1: Navigate to Medical Form Templates

Log into your Pabau account and navigate to Setup, then click on "Medical Form Templates" under Clinical.

Step 2: Clone the Desired Form

Hover over the medical form you want to clone. This will reveal the three-dot button on the far right of the form. Click on it and select "Clone".

Step 3: Edit the Cloned Form

The cloned form will be opened, allowing you to make changes. The process is similar to creating a new medical form.

When satisfied with the modifications, click on "Save Form" in the top right corner to finalize.

NOTE: Remember to rename the cloned form. All cloned forms are named "Copy Of + the name of the form you cloned."

How to Set a Form to be Sent Before the Appointment

Automating your medical forms will reduce your time on paperwork, and allow you to spend more time with your clients instead. Also, your clients will be able to complete the necessary forms at the convenience of their own homes, at the time when it suits them. 

Step 1: Access Medical Form Templates

Log into your Pabau account and navigate to Setup, then click on "Medical Form Templates" under Clinical.

Step 2: Open the Desired Medical Form

Identify the medical form you wish the client to complete before their appointment. Click to open the form for editing.

Step 3: Configure Form Settings

In the "General" tab situated in the top left corner of the medical form editing interface, select the services for which this form should be completed. Toggle the "Request to be completed prior to appointment" option.

Step 4: Configure Client Notifications

Next, navigate to Client Notifications by going back to Setup. Under "Marketing & Communication," find and click on "Communications", then on Client Notifications.

After you open Client Notifications, locate and open both the "New appointment is booked" and "Upcoming appointment reminder" email templates.

Ensure that the "Add complete form button" option is ticked in both the appointment confirmation and reminder email templates. You should see the "Complete Forms" button in the email preview.

By completing these steps, whenever an appointment is booked manually or online, they will receive the confirmation email. Within this email, clicking the "Complete Forms" button will redirect them to Pabau Connect. Here, clients can fill out any forms linked to the service they booked, streamlining the pre-appointment information collection process.

NOTE: For more ways to share medical forms, read this article.


For more guides, refer to related articles below, select additional guides, or use the search bar at the top of the page. These guides will help you get the most out of your Pabau account.

Additionally, to help you fully utilize and understand your Pabau account, we recommend exploring additional guides and resources offered at the Pabau Academy. It offers in-depth video tutorials and lessons, offering a holistic learning experience that can equip you with the essential skills for achieving success with Pabau.