How to Request Payment on Booking

In this article, we’ll show you how to request upfront payments from clients while booking an appointment in the calendar.

Step 1: Configure Your Payment Policy

Before you can request payments, ensure your Payment Policy feature is set up and enabled. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to configure and activate your payment policy.

Step 2: Book an Appointment and Request Payment

Once your payment policy is in place, navigate to the calendar and book an appointment as usual.

If you’ve enabled the “Enable Express Booking” option under Payment Policy settings, you’ll see the money icon highlighted in light blue within the Notifications section of the booking menu.

This indicates that an initial payment request will be automatically sent to the client as soon as you complete the booking. Hovering over the icon will show you the exact amount that will be requested at the time of booking.

If you don’t want to send the payment request for a specific appointment but still want the policy to apply to other bookings, simply click the money icon to grey it out. This will skip the payment request for this particular booking.

Finalize the appointment details, and click "Book appointment."

Step 3: Client Receives Payment Link

After booking, the client will receive an email with a link to the client portal where they can complete their payment.

The amount requested will be based on the percentage set in your Payment Policy settings, applied to the service price if only one service is booked, or to the total service prices if multiple services are booked.

For example, if the initial balance due is set to 10% and the total cost of the service being booked is $500, the amount requested upfront will be $50. This is calculated by applying the 10% to the $500 total, resulting in an upfront payment of $50.

Important Notes

  • The Express Booking settings will override any existing deposit settings for the same service when manually booking an appointment through the calendar. However, your deposit settings will remain unchanged for online bookings.
  • If a client is booking from a package, the "Request payment" checkbox will not appear because the package has already been paid for.
  • The invoice is generated when the client clicks the payment link in the email.

The invoice generated will include:

  • Created by: Name and last name of the client the appointment is booked for.
  • Created date and time: When the client clicked the payment button in the email.
  • Invoice date: The date of the appointment the invoice was generated for.
  • Location: Appointment location.
  • Related appointment: The appointment(s) booked with the payment request.
  • Issued to: Client’s name and last name.

By following these steps, you'll effectively request upfront payments from your clients while booking appointments.

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