How to Report on Medical and Non-Medical Treatments

In this guide, we'll cover how to track and report on medical and non-medical treatments by creating custom appointment fields and generating detailed reports.

If you need to track how many of your treatments are medical versus non-medical (cosmetic) over a specific period—such as for tax purposes—you can do this by creating a custom appointment field. This guide explains how to set up the field, use it during appointment booking, and generate reports to obtain accurate data.

Step 1: Navigate to the Fields Page

Start by navigating to Setup in the left sidebar menu, selecting Data under the Business section, and then clicking on Fields.

Step 2: Create a New Custom Field

On the Fields page, click on "Create" in the top-right corner and choose Appointment as the field object.

Provide a name for the custom field, such as "Treatment Type." Select its category, determine if it will be a required field (recommended to ensure it is always completed), and choose a field type.

For this purpose, the recommended field type is either single choice or dropdown. In this example, we'll select "Single Choice" and add two options in the Field Items section: "Medical" and "Non-medical."

Step 4: Activate and Save the Field

Ensure the "Active" toggle is switched on, and then click on "Create" in the top-right corner to save the field.

Step 5: Select Treatment Type When Booking Appointments

From now on, whenever you book an appointment in the calendar, you’ll need to choose between "Medical" or "Non-medical" (or the specific options you defined in your custom field).

Step 6: Generate Reports to Analyze Medical and Non-Medical Treatments

To report on the number of medical and non-medical treatments, create and save a custom report in the Analytics feature.

Start by navigating to "Analytics" in the left sidebar menu and clicking on "Reports." Select "Create Custom Report" in the top-right corner and choose "Appointments" as the Data object. Then, select "Start from scratch" to begin building your report.

Set the report filters using the four elements: "object," "field," "operator," and "value."

  1. First, add a filter for the timeframe, such as:
    "Appointments where Appointment date is in this month."

    You can later adjust the timeframe when running the report.

  2. Add a second filter to designate the custom field:
    "Appointments where [custom field name] is [Medical or Non-Medical]."

This will filter the report to show all appointments matching the conditions.

Step 7: Customize and Save Your Report

Customize the report's columns by selecting or unselecting fields on the left-hand side.

Once you're satisfied with the report layout, click on "Save Report" in the top-right corner. Your custom report will now be accessible from the "My Reports" tab in the Analytics feature.

NOTE: Ensure the custom field is consistently used during appointment booking to maintain accurate reporting.

By following these steps, you can efficiently track and analyze your medical and non-medical treatments, making it easier to meet tax or regulatory requirements.

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