How to Add a New Service to a Shift

Creating a new service doesn't automatically add it to existing shifts. Here's how you can ensure that your staff has all the services in their shifts:

Step 1: Create a New Service

After you create the new service, as the next step go to the Team feature and choose Scheduler

As an example, I've created "Tear trough" under the "Dermal Fillers" category.


NOTE: If you encounter any difficulties with creating a new service, here is an article that can guide you through the process.


Step 2: Add the service to a shift

Select the shift to which you'd like to add the new service and click on it to edit. Once the menu pops out, click on the "Services" button as shown:


Then, select the category you've added the new service to, and you'll notice that it hasn't been selected. Click to add it to the service.



Once you're finished, click on "Update Shift," and the new service will be added to the shift. If it's a repeating shift, a menu will pop up with the option to update all shifts or just that particular one.




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