Green Shifts vs Pink Shifts: What's The Difference?

When creating shifts, you'll notice green and pink shifts displayed in the scheduler. We'll explain the differences between them and how to manage each type.

Step 1:  Access the Scheduler

Access the menu located on the left-hand side, then click on "Team," and from there, select "Schedule."


This will open the staff list scheduler, where you can see all of the shifts created in your system.

Step 2:  Edit Shifts

If we click to edit the pink shift, we can see that only certain services are selected, indicating that this staff member only has access to these services.


If we click on the green one, we can observe that all services are selected, indicating that this staff member can operate all the services offered in our clinic.


You can edit and assign various services to different practitioners as needed. Simply update the shift, and the changes will be saved. The color of the shift will change based on the selected services.

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