
In this article, discover how to navigate Pabau's lead management features, from creating leads, marking them as won or lost, setting up pipelines, assigning leads, and exploring lead profiles.

Overview of Leads

Pabau's Lead Management feature empowers you to nurture potential client relationships effectively, aiming to convert them into valued clients. Here's an overview of how to access and manage your leads within Pabau:

Accessing Leads:

Log into your Pabau account and navigate to Leads in the left sidebar menu. Click on "Leads" to enter the Lead Management section.

Leads Page Overview:

On the Leads page, you'll find a comprehensive list of all your leads, along with essential details such as name, email, date created, and lead owner, among other information.

View Options and Details:

At the top of the screen, toggle between List and Kanban View to choose your preferred lead display format. The total number of leads is also visible.

NOTE: Kanban View categorizes leads into different stages of your pipelines, providing a visual representation. Refer to this article for more information on lead pipelines.

Additionally, you can filter your leads by lead owner, or you can create views to look at leads fulfilling certain conditions. 

Utilize the search bar to quickly locate specific leads.

Create new leads by clicking the "Create Leads" button.

Customize the columns displayed in your lead view by selecting "Edit columns" below the creation button.

NOTE: You can also learn about this topic by watching a lesson on Pabau Academy.

How to Create Leads

Creating leads is a straightforward process that allows you to efficiently manage potential client information. 

Step 1: Access Lead Creation Page

Start by logging into your Pabau account, then click on the Create button at the top of the screen, or use the hotkeys Shift + L to initiate lead creation.

Alternatively, navigate to Leads in the left sidebar menu and click on "Leads." Then, select "Create Lead" in the top right corner.

Step 2: Inputting Relevant Details

Make sure to input essential details about the lead, including their full name, email, and lead location. The lead location is particularly relevant for multi-location businesses.

Choose the lead pipeline to which the lead will be added and set their current stage within the pipeline.

Step 3: Assign a Lead Owner

In the top right corner, select the lead's owner from your list of staff members. Designating a lead owner helps in assigning responsibility and streamlining communication.

Step 4: Completing the Lead Creation

Once all relevant information is inputted and options are selected, click on the "Create" button to finalize the lead creation process.

NOTE: Beyond manual lead creation, consider integrating the Pabau lead form on your website. This allows potential clients interested in your services to conveniently fill out the form, automatically creating their lead profile in Pabau.

To obtain the Pabau lead form, please connect with our dedicated support team for assistance.

Overview of the Lead Profile

In this article, we'll explore how to navigate lead profiles to access and update lead information, track activities, and improve communication with your leads. 

Step 1: Accessing a Lead Profile

Begin by logging into your Pabau account. Use the search bar at the top of the screen, switch to the Leads tab, and search for leads.

Alternatively, navigate to Leads in the left sidebar menu and click on " Leads". Utilize the search bar in the top right corner to find specific leads.

Step 2: Opening the Lead Profile

Click on the name of the lead whose profile you wish to view.

On the left side, you can see the lead's personal details.

In the top left corner, associate services with the lead and update the lead pipeline or stage.

In the top right corner, you can change the lead owner and mark the lead as won or lost.

In the center of the screen, you can see the activities related to this lead, and leave notes.

Step 3: Create Activities

Click the blue plus sign in the bottom right corner to create activities related to this lead, and send emails or SMS to the lead. 

How to Create a Lead Pipeline

Lead pipelines play a crucial role in managing leads effectively, allowing you to track their progress through various stages. This guide will walk you through the process of creating a lead pipeline in Pabau.

Step 1: Enable Pipeline Feature

Ensure that the lead pipeline feature is enabled in your Pabau account. To do so, log in to your Pabau account, then navigate to Setup in the left sidebar menu.

Next, click on "Business Details" in the Business section. In Business Details, navigate to the Features tab and toggle the "Pipeline" feature.

Step 2: Access Pipelines

Once pipelines are enabled, navigate to Leads in the left sidebar menu and click on "Pipeline".

Alternatively, switch to Kanban view on the Leads page.

Step 3: Create a New Pipeline

On the Pipeline page, click on "Options" in the top right corner, then select "Create a new pipeline".

Step 4: Configure Pipeline Details

First, add a name for the pipeline, then configure the stages included in the pipeline.

  • To rename the stage, click on the three dots next to the stage, then click on "Edit" and add the new name.
  • To add a new stage, click on the plus sign that appears when you hover over between two stages or when you hover over your last existing stage. 
  • You can reorder stages by dragging and dropping them. 
  • To delete a stage, click on the "Delete Stage" button that appears when you hover over a stage. 
  • Choose whether this will be your default pipeline in the top right corner.

Step 5: Finalize and Create

Click on "Create" in the top right corner to complete the pipeline creation process.

Now, with the new pipeline in place, you can easily switch between different pipelines by clicking on the button next to "Options" on the Pipeline page.

NOTE: It is advisable to have a minimum of one standard lead pipeline, but ideally, consider having multiple pipelines tailored to specific treatments.

How to Assign a Lead to a Pipeline

Assigning leads to specific pipelines is a crucial step in tailoring your lead management process to individual treatment needs. Follow these steps to efficiently assign leads to the appropriate pipeline:

Step 1: Locate the Lead

Log in to your Pabau account and search for the lead you want to assign to a pipeline. Use the search bar at the top of the screen or navigate to Leads in the left sidebar menu and click on "Leads" again.

Step 2: Assign to a Different Pipeline (if applicable)

If you have multiple pipelines, you can assign existing leads to a different pipeline by accessing their lead profile.

Open the lead's profile and in the top right corner, click on the name of the lead's current pipeline.

A dropdown menu will appear, showing all available pipelines.

Select the desired pipeline from the menu and click on "Save" to confirm the pipeline assignment.

By following these steps, you can efficiently categorize leads into treatment-specific pipelines, ensuring a more specialized and effective approach to lead nurturing within the Pabau platform.

For more guides, refer to related articles below, select additional guides, or use the search bar at the top of the page. These guides will help you get the most out of your Pabau account.

Additionally, to help you fully utilize and understand your Pabau account, we recommend exploring additional guides and resources offered at the Pabau Academy. It offers in-depth video tutorials and lessons, offering a holistic learning experience that can equip you with the essential skills for achieving success with Pabau.