The PABAU Go App requires iOS 11.0 or later, and can be installed on the following Apple devices:
iPod Touch 5th Gen or later
iPod Pro (All Models)
iPhone 6s or later
iPad 3 or later
iPad 1 and Mini 1 (Not recommended)
Basically, iPad Pros/Airs work best, but the Pabau app can operate on an iPad mini if need be.
You want to avoid any of the older models, as although they could work for now, Apple have the tendency to break them in later updates. We would say anything iPad 3 upwards would be fine and recommend iPad Pros because of the Apple pencil and EPaper. The advantages of using EPaper are that you can save time by using an existing form and you can write over the form using your finger or EPencil.
*Note: The iPhone 5 and previous versions are not compatible with iOS 11, and can install the PABAU app but not all features will work.
You'll also need a wireless network connection for the app to run properly.
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