Vaccine Administration

To add a Vaccine Administration step in our Pathway, we first need to set a specific field in the medical form that we are going to use for the pathway. To do this, go to Setup - Data - Medical Forms - New Medical Form.

You can name the form "Vaccine Administration" and set it as a Treatment form type.

In here, you need to add the fields you'd wish to have in this form where one of the mandatory field that will help you with the vaccine administration is "Diagram"

Once you add this field, you need to tick the Vaccine Scheduler box.

After you are done selecting the fields, proceed to save the medical form.

Now go back to the pathway that you are creating.

In there, you will need to assign this form to one of the pathway steps and you'll be ready to go.

Once we access the pathway, we will be able to see this step where the added field will look like this:

We should have previously selected the vaccines and setup the schedules in the previous steps of the pathway, therefore in this step we're going to select how the vaccine needs to be administrated.

By clicking the "Vaccine" button you will see a drop down of the vaccines you can select to administer.

After clicking on the vaccine name, click the part of the body in which the vaccine is going to be applied. This will open a window in where we are able to either select a batch from the drop down or add a new batch number by clicking at the green plus on the right hand side.

After we are done entering these details, we can jump into the next step or save the pathway.

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