Using Lead Groups

Lead groups allow you to automate the lead owner assignment process of your captured leads.

1. Start by going into 'Leads'.

2. Now select 'Lead Groups'.

3. Here you will see a list of previously created lead groups. To create new, click on '+ New Group' on right top corner.

4. You need to specify several things:

  • Group Name - The name you will use to identify this lead group.

  • Default Group - This marks the group as default. What this does is when capturing a lead if no other group can be matched the lead is assigned to this group.

  • Related Services - You can add several keywords or phrases that would be matched against the treatment interest field on your online form. For example, if you type a keyword "Botox" and you have a treatment interest "Basic Botox" or "Advanced Botox" those will match and the lead will be assigned to a staff member from this group. To be more specific you can enter whole phrases or the exact name of the interest as the keyword too. Matching is not case sensitive however.

  • Managing Staff - Here you will need to select the members that would be in charge of this group. When a lead is matched to this group the owner will be picked from some of the staff selected here using round robin algorithm.

  • Default View - The default view that the staff of this group is seeing when they open the lead manager.

  • Restrict to this view only - By default the view you create and specify in the previous field is the default way the staff of this group view the leads in the lead manager, but they can still use the filters and modify the data they would like to see. If you enable this they won't be able to change the filters and modify what leads they see in the lead manager.

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