ST001 - Staff Performance Summary

Find out which staff members are performing the best at selling products during their services.

Additionally, you will have information such as: User, Total %, Total, Service, Retail, Packages, Total Unique Clients, Total Client Visits, No. Services, Average Bill, Retail %, Rebook %, and Appt Frequency.

With this report you will have information about your clients that possess or not possess all of the mentioned above.


  • User - The staff member who performed the treatment.

  • Total % - The total amount of sales in percentage.

  • Total - The total amount of sale in monetary value.

  • Service - The total monetary amount of sold services.

  • Retail - The total monetary amount of sold retail products.

  • Packages - The monetary amount of packages sold by that staff member.

  • Total Unique Clients - The total amount of unique clients that the staff member has.

  • Total Client Visits - The total amount of client visits that the staff member has had.

  • No. Services - Number of services performed by the staff member.

  • Average Bill - The average bill that the staff member makes per booking.

  • Retail % - The retail % that

  • Rebook % - The rebooking % with that staff member.

  • Appt Frequency - How many frequent appointments the staff member has.

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