Send emails via your own email address (Enterprise Emails)

To help keep deliverability as high as possible, Mandrill (our email delivery partner) requires that every sending domain is configured to allow Mandrill to send authenticated emails on behalf of that domain.


You'll need to add SPF and DKIM records and verify ownership of your sending domains before you can send email through your Pabau account. This is an advanced feature to be past over to your web domain owner.

Mandrill will not send any email from unverified domains or domains without valid SPF, DMARC and DKIM records, including public domains like,, and more.

Learn more about the records and domain verification.

Once you have added the DKIM, DMARC and SPF record, please reach out to support and we can finalise the enabling of your domains to send via Pabau.

*Please direct all support questions regarding this to Mandril directly, unfortunately we can't offer troubleshooting support at Pabau, we can only give simple YES and NOs as to if you have configured correctly, as the information we are provided from Mandrill is limited.

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