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  2. Medical Forms & Templates

How to copy a template by using source code

In this article, you will see how to create a duplicate template by using the source code.

Firstly, go to the Template archive and from there edit the template that you want to duplicate.

When you open the template, click on Tools and then on Source Code.


Once you have opened the source code window, select and copy the whole content of it.


Once this is copied, go back to the Template archive and create New Email Template.


When you open the new template, again go to Tools>Source code.

PLEASE NOTE: When the new window opens, there will be a few lines of text, which you will need to delete.

Lastly, paste the source code from the original template here and click Ok.

PLEASE NOTE: Once you paste the source code and click on the "Ok" button, edit the template to fit the new one you`re creating (new name for the template, new subject, new text and links in the buttons, etc.)

Once you have customized the template, click on the "Save Template" button on the bottom of the page.