FI002 - Daily Payments

This report will give you a list of each and every payment itemised for a given date range.

Note that all of these invoices are paid!

Additionally, you will have information such as: Invoice No., Item Name, Payment Date, Employee, Client, Payment Type, Item Price, Item Total, and Location.

With this report you will have information about your clients that possess or not possess all of the mentioned above.


  • Invoice No. - The number the invoice.

  • Item Name - The name of the product/service that the client bought.

  • Payment Date - The date on which the payment from the client was made.

  • Employee - The employee who made the sale.

  • Client - The client who has made the purchase.

  • Payment Type - The type of payment the client used to pay.

  • Item Price - The price of the purchased service/product.

  • Item Total - The total of the purchased service/product.

  • Location - The location where the sale was made.

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