Difference between Booked Appointments and Staff Appointment Schedule report

In this article we will look at the different type of data the Booked Appointments and Staff Appointment Schedule report provide.

  1. Booked Appointments report

You can find this report by going to the Reports feature and then under Contact Reports.

The purpose of this report is to show you the appointments that were booked during a specific time range, but not necessarily taking place during that same time period.

     2.   Staff Appointment Schedule report

You can find this report by going to the Reports feature and then under Staff Reports.


The purpose of this report is to show you the appointments that are taking place during a specific time range.

Therefore, if you wish to check when you booked a specific appointment, you need to use the Booked Appointments report.
While if you would like to see the date when an appointment is taking place, you need to use the Staff Appointment Schedule report.