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  2. Medical Forms & Templates

Creating a Referral Template

You can now setup a referral reward which will trigger an automatic Email / SMS to go out to the referrer and/or referee.

How to Create a Referral Template

  • Go to "Setup."

  • Find "Data."

  • Click "Template Archive."

  • Next, click on "+New Template" in the top-right corner.

  • Choose "Email" if you'd like to notify your clients via email or "SMS" for an SMS notification.

  • Name the template, add a subject and design the template according to your preferences.

  • If you choose to go with Email Notification, it's really important that you add the [REWARD_URL] merge tag somewhere into the template, as that merge tag will send a reward voucher to your client.
    If you chose to go with SMS reward notification, in the body of the sms please add the [REWARD_CODE] merge tag, for a code to be generated.

When done with designing the template, please hit "Create Template" in the bottom-left corner and go back in Setup - Data - Client Notifications to link the template with the Referral Notifications.

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