CO095 - Client Recalls

This report will give you a list of clients due a recall.

Additionally, you will have information such as: Recall At, Recall Name, Client, Employee, Phone, Email, and Recalled.

With this report you will have information about your clients that possess or not possess all of the mentioned above.


  • Recall At - The date on which the recall has been scheduled.

  • Recall Name - The name that was sent when the recall was scheduled on the client card.

  • Client - The name of the client.

  • Employee - The employee who scheduled the recall.

  • Phone - The phone number of the client.

  • Email - The email of the client.

  • Recalled - When you've run the report, here on this column you have a box you can tick (or leave un-ticked) to tell if the client was recalled or not.

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