Add location specific merge tags to your email confirmations

Pabau allows you to add location specific merge tags to your client notifications and templates available in the 'Template Archive.

Here is how you can customize your confirmation email for each location.

To find these go to:

1. 'Setup'.

2. Next, choose'Business'.

3. 'Click on Locations'.

4. Choose 'Edit' to the left of the location name.

5. In the next window, select 'Location Merge Tags', add the Merge Tag Value for each of them, then copy the Merge Tag Names to your template.

For example, if you wish to add these to your confirmation email, go to Setup --> Data --> Client Notifications --> Confirmations --> Edit, then paste the merge tag name in your email template --> Save template.

Below I have setup a custom cancellation for one of the clinic's locations.

Then added the merge tag name to my email confirmation.

After an appointment is booked for that location, the confirmation email will look as below.

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