Update lead

Updates leads

post-api /leads/{lead_id}/update



Query Parameters:  
api_key *  
lead_id * System ID of the lead
Fname String
Lname  String
email  String
DOB Date (Y-m-d)
mobile String
label String, (Comma separated)
lead_source Int (system ID of source) or String (source name)
opt_email 1 or 0
opt_letters 1 or 0
opt_sms 1 or 0
opt_newsletter 1 or 0
opt_phone 1 or 0
custom_field_{Int (System ID of the field)} String


Note: Custom Fields example: custom_field_12345

Response sample


    "status": true,
  "regular_fields": "Lead {lead_id} was successfully updated.",
    "custom_fields": {
      "custom_field_id_{custom}": "Updated"