Update appointment

Update appointment's date, time, notes, description and practitioner

post-api /appointments/{appointment_id}/update



Query Parameters:  
api_key *  
appointment_id *  System ID of the appointment
user_id System ID of the user
start_time Appointment Start Time in format Y-m-d H:i:s
end_time Appointment End Time in format Y-m-d H:i:s (cannot be lower or equal to Start Time)
note String
service_id System ID of the service (user_id is mandatory with this field)
status Booking status, same as it is in Pabau. You may use some of the default ones, or your company custom created statuses.
Default: Waiting, Arrived, Complete, No Show, Running Late

Response sample


  "success": true,
  "message": "Appointment updated successfully"