List packages

Returns a list of all packages with their basic information

image-png-Mar-22-2024-01-24-05-8317-PM /packages{api_key}/packages



Query Parameters:  
api_key *  
per_page (int) If not sent, the default is 20. Maximum 50
page (int) If not sent, the first 20 result will be sent
order ASC or DESC. Default DESC

Response sample


"success": true,
  "total": 1,
  "packages": [
    "id": 1,
      "name": "Laser Hair Removal",
    "service_product_id": 2,
      "price": 400,
      "session_count": "3",
      "sold_online": 1,
      "inactive": 0,
    "service_name": "Laser hair removal",
    "service_id": 2,
    "category_id": 1,
      "category_name": "Laser Hair",
    "product_id": 3