List appointments

Gives you a list of all your future appointments




Query Parameters:  
api_key *  
date Filters the appointments by appointment date. Format YYYY-MM-DD
create_date Filters the appointments by created date. Format YYYY-MM-DD
updated_gt Filters the appointments by updated date grated than Timestamp in ISO 8601 standard
updated_lt FIlters the appointments by updated date less than Timestamp in ISO 8601 standard
per_page (int) If not sent, the default is 20. Maximum 50
page (int) If not sent, the first 20 result will be sent
order ASC or DESC. Default DESC


Response Samples

"total": 1,
  "appointments": [
      "client": [
        "id": 123456789,
        "customer_name": "John Doe",
        "Mobile": "123456789",
        "Email": ""
      "service": [
        "service_id": 123456,
          "service": "consultation hydrafacial",
        "price": 125
      "dates": {
        "start_date": "2025-12-26",
        "start_time": "09:00:00",
        "end_date": "2025-12-26",
        "end_time": "09:30:00",
        "duration": 30
      "details": {
        "appointment_status": "Waiting",
        "color": "",
        "notes": "Online Booking",
        "create_date": "2024-03-07",
        "created_by": {
        "created_by_name": "Jon Doe",
        "created_by_id": 123456
        "last_updated": null,
        "last_updated_by": ""
      "communications": {
        "sms_confirmation": 1,
        "email_confirmation": 1,
        "reminder_status": 1,
        "feedback_status": 0


200 Successful operation