Get appointments by client

Returns all the appointments for one client

-image-png-Mar-22-2024-01-25-37-4158-PM /appointments{api_key}/appointments/get-by-client/{customer_id}



Query Parameters:  
api_key *  
customer_id * System ID of the customer
per_page If not sent, default 20. Max 50
page If not sent, first are returned in ASC order
order ASC or DESC



Response sample


  "total": 2,
  "appointments": [
    "customer_name": "Dummy Pabau",
    "Mobile": "+441234123456",
      "id": 95926663,
      "service": "Service 2",
      "user_id": 124126,
    "staff_name": "Dummy Staff",
      "start_date": "2024-04-01",
      "start_time": "14:15:00",
      "end_date": 20240401151500,
      "appointment_status": "Waiting",
      "color": "violet",
      "service_id": 3016806,
      "notes": "",
    "customer_id": 34198908,
"location_id": 12345
    "customer_name": "Dummy Pabau",
    "Mobile": "+441234123456",
      "id": 95926662,
      "service": "Service 2",
      "user_id": 124126,
    "staff_name": "Dummy Staff",
      "start_date": "2024-04-01",
      "start_time": "15:15:00",
      "end_date": 20240401161500,
      "appointment_status": "Waiting",
      "color": "violet",
      "service_id": 3016806,
      "notes": "",
      "customer_id": 34198908,
"location_id": 12345